With the blessing of his Holiness Maharaj Ji, a musical bonanza based on season’s Raag was successfully organized for the first time on 27.02.2021 at Nirmal auditorium. It was a joint effort of the students of NDS,NGA and GNA. The programme was inaugurated with the Lighting of Lamp by Sant Jodh Singh Ji Maharaj, Chief Guest Dr. Devaprasad Kar, Medical Director, Tulsi Eye Hospital, Nashik, Maharashtra, Guest of Honour S.Harbeer Singh, ADM, Kumbh Mela, Haridwar, S.Manjeet Singh Tehsildar and others. It was followed by Mool Mantra, Gayatri Mantra and Shabad Prayer by NGA and GNA students. Saraswati Vandana in Raag Basant by the students of NGA was the first performance followed by a beautiful Kathak dance by the students of NDS and Orchestral presentation of Instrumental music by NGA and GNA. Our Guest Artist (alumni of NGA) Laxmi Kumari sang “Khayal Bandish” in Raag Basant and was accompanied by Tripta Ahluwalia(alumni of NGA) on harmonium. Music teacher of NGA Pt. Shivananda Sharma played on Violin, a recital of Raag Hindol. Students from NDS presented a beautiful Kabir Bhajan based on Raag Basant. Finally, students of GNA and our Chief Guest Dr.D.P.Kar recited Shabad on Basant Raag.
The whole programme was enchanted and blessed by the presence of Mahant Ram Singh Ji Maharaj and Sant Jodh Singh Ji Maharaj.Mementos and Siropas were presented to the Chief Guest & Guests of Honour. All the music teachers of NDS,NGA and GNA were honoured with Mementos, Siropas and Gifts.
At last Maharaj Ji blessed all the participants with Certificates and Prasad. This was memorable programme for all of us.