It is written by Giani Balwant Singh Kotha Guru & incorporates the vivid details of the history of Nirmal Panth since the times of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji to the establishment of Nirmal Panchayati Akhara at Kankhal & a brief life history of all the honourable Sri Mahants of the same. This book is a store house of knowledge and expounds about the ‘sewa’ or the humanitarian works undertaken by Nirmal Panchayati Akhara & its contribution towards society in spreading the message of the Guru & preaching about ‘Dharma’. In its last section, it also unravels a brief history of Nirmal Ashram & its multifaceted works dedicated towards the upliftment of humanity.
It is written by Giani Balwant Singh Kotha Guru & incorporates the vivid details of the history of Nirmal Panth since the times of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji to the establishment of Nirmal Panchayati Akhara at Kankhal & a brief life history of all the honourable Sri Mahants of the same. This book is a store house of knowledge and expounds about the ‘sewa’ or the humanitarian works undertaken by Nirmal Panchayati Akhara & its contribution towards society in spreading the message of the Guru & preaching about ‘Dharma’. In its last section, it also unravels a brief history of Nirmal Ashram & its multifaceted works dedicated towards the upliftment of humanity.
It is a journal of sikh studies released in 2010 edited by Dr. Sarbjinder Singh from Punjabi University, Patiala & is a special edition on ‘Nirmal Sampradaya’ and its contribution towards preaching the teachings of Guru Nanak & other Gurus. It is a boon for those seekers of knowledge who want to go for deep studies in Gurbani. It contains papers which record the transactions taken place in between June-December 2009 under the department of studies on Sri Guru Granth Sahibji, Punjabi University, Patiala.